2022 Ottawa Dressage Festival

Finally, the Ottawa Dressage Festival was back at Wesley Clover Parks after a 2-year hiatus!! I am thrilled to be one of the official ODF photographers. It was so much fun to be back photographing Canada’s largest dressage show, and we’re so lucky to host this in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, ON.

The riders and their horses make this look easy, but dressage is extremely challenging. It’s graceful, precise and has been described as the “highest level of horse training”.

If you rode in the Ottawa Dressage Festival on May 20, 21 or 22, 2022 and would be interested in finding out if I captured your ride drop me a line. I took thousands of photos and can’t post them all here. If I did photograph your ride and you would be interested in purchasing some photos please check out my Equestrian Competitions page for information.

In the meantime, here are a few photos that show the story of the weekend. It was sunny, it was hot, it was cloudy, we had a wicked storm … Unfortunately, the RCMP Musical Ride had to be cancelled because Ottawa was hit with a derecho. We were very fortunate that the newly installed big event tent held up, and all of the horses, riders and visitors were safe thanks to the hardworking staff of Wesley Clover Park and the ODF team. What a memorable ending to a really successful weekend. I’m already looking forward to the 2023 weekend!


2023 Ottawa Dressage Festival